Welcome one and all to my webpage. My internet alias is CBI Elite, so when I mention that name, I'm talking about me! Here, you'll find a small bio on me, some pics, weapons, Counter Strike, and some interesting downloads I've found on the net. To start off, CBI stands for Centric Bureau of Intelligence, which was created in 1997 as a fictional corporation to star as the base of a short story assignment in my high school English class.
  From there, I built onto it and used it as my alias on the school LAN in multiplayer Quake 2 matches (Oy, those were the days!). It helped me later on in Design and Technology in grades 10, 11, and 12 by allowing me to build onto it's fictionous glory. The result, was an entire fictional story-line and many topics that built onto one-another to accomplish short stories and reports. Ah, the simplicity of fiction!
Website Updates
May 12, 2004.
July 6, 2003.
July 2 - July 3, 2003.
June 25, 2003.
April 25, 2003.
April 20, 2003.
April 8, 2003. |